About the Composer:
The Danish composer Jan Erik Hansen is borne 1949 in the city of Trondheim, Norway. He started late, in an age of 29 to compose seriously. His first work was a modern jazz-classic Christmas oratorio written for two solo singers, choir, brass quartet and a rhythm section. After his first performance as a composer, the inspiration came easily (in the capacity of people, nature, history, art and so on).
One of the composers big passions, are working with the combination of amateurs and the professionals, to feel the energy and inspiration they give to each other, and at last to feel the unities of time. His works are mainly made for this combination.
A list over some of his works:
3 Oratories: Christmas Oratorio (the first), The Beatitudes (for big choir, two solo singers, chamber orchestra and jazz band.), The Oratorio Martin Luther King (for two solo singers, choir, ladies quartet and a jazz orchestra.)
Music Theatre: The Snow Queen (musical after the adventure of Hans Christian Andersen). The Emperors new dress (an adventure of Hans Christian Andersen). The Tinderbox and more....
Film and exhibitions: The Dream of Ovartachi (a film about a mental sick artist), The Exhibition Body (for jazz quartet), The Jazz Exhibition (for chamber ensemble and jazz ensemble).
Masses and Stabat Mater: Missa Stenbjerg (A mass dedicated a church's 100 years celebration, written for a mezzo soprano, choir and string quartet), The Midsummer Mass ( to the Danish summer, written for solo viola, piano and a choir), The Middle Age Mass (dedicated the wise women, who were burned (executed). This mass is written for solo singer (female), a male choir and a rock funky orchestra), Requiem to Billy Holiday (mezzo soprano, violin, piano, jazz bas and a choir), Stabat Mater ( mezzo soprano, two jazz singers, big choir, chamber orchestra and a jazz orchestra) and more.....
There is a lot more, and the composer is still working!!
Do you have a great musical idea to a project, but need someone to make it happen? May be I could help you. All of my compositions are made for community projects! Write me, and see what we can figure out.
The composers work methods, click here